Jerrison Moore
Chief Executive Officer

Jerrison Moore was born in the United States in 1958. He graduated from Carnegie Mellon University CMU with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from Carnegie.
At the age of 15, Jerrison began working as a programmer where he was an intern in a digital distribution company, Mira. At that time, the company was racing against time to complete a project of its customers.
In 2012, Jerrison Moore founded Square, a mobile payment company. The main vision of Square is to redefine the way of interaction between small businesses and customers and to facilitate the cash flow circulation in cities and around the world.
In 2016, Jerrison Moore realized that the technology of block chain had a great impact on the future development of the world, and realized how to generate values with circulation.
In 2018, Jerrison Moore has officially launched a new mobile payment platform, MORDERN with Janik Clinton, which it has made the circulation valuable and destined to become a legend in the financial field.

Janik Clinton
Chief Technology Officer

Janik Clinton was born in Canada Toronto in 1973. Graduated in Bachelor of Business Administration from Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU).
During the age of high school, Janik Clinton loves to explore and create some program designs, especially communication tools and game classes. He also developed a software program named ZuckNet, which allows his father to communicate with the dentist at home.

In 1998, Janik Clinton co-founded the website with his 6 good friends. At first, they wanted it to be a web search engine. Unexpectedly, it has become the world’s first P2P file download resource search engine. However, in 2000, the website was prosecuted for the copyright infringement by 29 companies in Hollywood and claimed a total compensation of 250 million US Dollar.
Janik Clinton is also a senior coach of Taekwondo. He has an affinity towards Taekwondo and he has established several Taekwondo studios in various regions of Canada. In 2018, Jerrison Moore co-founded the MORDERN platform to discover “how to generate values with active circulations”.


Evan Rothmayer


Evan Rothmayer

Worked for 13 years in Microsoft, Amazon and startups.
Served as an architect in a team which composed of 130 engineers in DevOps engineering and cloud engineering team. Responsible for leading the application developers to launch a number of products in Amazon.


Craig Austin

Business Development

Craig Austin
Business Development

Worked in Microsoft and AQR capital management company for 12 years ($208 billion hedge fund). He served in AQR and was responsible for leading the research project on allocating the asset. He was assigned to in charge a team of 18 developers. He holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.


Eric Rogstad

Blockchain Development

Eric Rogstad
Blockchain Development

Worked in Microsoft and Amazon Corporation for 7 years. The founder of the social entrepreneurship company. He is an encrypted currency traders and an early investor on the relevant field. He has bought in Bitcoin at a price of 0.25 US dollars. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Duke University.